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We value your support of our mission to empower female leaders.

Your Next Steps

1. Inform Your Nominees – Please let your nominees and their families know that they will be receiving an email invitation from us in the next week.

2. Stay in Touch  If your nominees do not receive their email invitations, please let us know via email ( We are also available to answer any questions you or your nominees may have.

Your Nominees' Next Steps

1. Gather Information  We will notify your peers of their nominations for GLASS within a week. Our initial email will contain all pertinent information. Our team will be available to them to answer any questions.

2. Complete the Nominee Application  Once a nominee decides to attend GLASS, her next step is to complete our Nominee Application ( All nominees receive guaranteed admission to our program.

3. Register & Deposit – Once admitted, all nominees will receive registration instructions. A $250 deposit is required to reserve a spot in a session. 

Nominate Again

If you would like to nominate more peer leaders, please fill out another nomination form.

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