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We value your support of our mission to empower female leaders.
Your Next Steps
1. Inform Your Nominees – Please let your nominees and their families know that they will be receiving an email invitation from us in the next week.
2. Stay in Touch – If your nominees do not receive their email invitations, please let us know via email ( We are also available to answer any questions you or your nominees may have.
Your Nominees' Next Steps
1. Gather Information – We will notify your peers of their nominations for GLASS within a week. Our initial email will contain all pertinent information. Our team will be available to them to answer any questions.
2. Complete the Nominee Application – Once a nominee decides to attend GLASS, her next step is to complete our Nominee Application ( All nominees receive guaranteed admission to our program.
3. Register & Deposit – Once admitted, all nominees will receive registration instructions. A $250 deposit is required to reserve a spot in a session.
Nominate Again
If you would like to nominate more peer leaders, please fill out another nomination form.
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